
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some Days

In a day full of numbing and depressing news, including the senseless death of Rutger's University student Tyler Clementi, this is what came to me.  For obvious reasons, the title is Some Days.

Some days
I wake up in the morning wondering why I woke.
Some days
My breakfast is disturbed by news of death, destruction and devastation.
Some days
I go to work despairing over whether the money I earn will ever be enough.
Some days
My lunch time is consumed by worry over the safety of my family and friends.
Some days
I spend the afternoon thinking that my life will never turn out the the way I'd like.
Some days
I go home, look into the faces of my children, and know I am blessed.
Some days
As I sit at the dinner table I know that I am fortunate to have enough to eat.
Some days
I go to bed safe in the knowledge that I am surrounded by those who care about me.
Some days
I realize that I am lucky to be alive.

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